Once the customer purchases the plan, there will be no refund available
During the Period, Indian Nationality Donors can also make Donations via cheques in favor of the NGO Campaign Account (of their choice) with the details and manner as shown in the promos on the Channel/the Website/NGO Website/the Program/Social Media, .The Indian Nationality Donors (s) are required to quote the relevant keywords, details including personal information, as applicable and sought, and the NGO Campaign Account number of the respective NGOs towards which they want to make the Donation. The Indian Nationality Donor(s) are also required to provide their name, mobile number, and PAN Card number on the backside of the cheque and drop the cheque at the nearest branch of the Bank. For additional information, the Indian Nationality Donors can contact the nearest branch of . You can drop the cheques at any branch.
Indian Nationality Donors can make payment through online transfer during the Period by logging on to www.kalparakshatrust.org choosing the NGO of their choice, and following the instructions therein to make the Donations upon which the Donor shall be redirected to website of the Bank i.e. www.kalparakshatrust.org complete the Donation transaction. The Donations received through this ayment mechanism shall be directly deposited into the kalparaksha educational and charitable trust Campaign Account. You understand and agree that in addition to these Terms and Conditions, the Donor shall also be bound by the terms and conditions of the Bank Website and/or any additional payment gateway service provider while making Donations towards an kalparaksha educational and charitable trust on the Bank Website and/or once he/she has been redirected away from the Website. Indian Nationality Donor also understands and agrees that the personal or sensitive personal information provided by the Indian Nationality Donor on such third-party websites shall be subject to the terms of such third-party websites and shall not be liable for the same. In case of any network failure and /or technical failure in accessing the Website and /or Bank Website and/or the www.kalparakshatrust.org Website and /or unclear network, breakdown of machinery, disruption of network and/or for any reasons whatsoever, reserves the right to at its sole discretion to cease accepting Donations from the Indian Nationality Donor (s), in any manner as it may deem fit and necessary. In addition to the aforesaid, shall not be liable and /or responsible in any manner whatsoever in the event of any malfunction/fault /failure/disruption while making Donations on the Bank Website and/or in the internet /network services /system failure / due to technical /technological restrictions and /or due to reasons /events/incidents beyond commercially reasonable control of and the Indian Nationality Donor(s) shall hold harmless, the Channel(s) and its employees, officers or any other person in relation to the Campaign with respect to the same. Any dispute in connection to the above shall be settled between the Donor (s) and the Bank/NGO Website directly, without involving and/or the Channels in any manner whatsoever. shall not be responsible in the event Donations are not processed and /or received due to any technical error of any nature whatsoever. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “receipt/processing” of a Donation occurs when the Bank Website server records the Donation information upon the Donor clicking the “Donate/Submit/Process” button. Any automated receipt confirmation and/or deduction of the said amount from the Indian Nationality Donor’s bank account does not constitute proof of actual processing/receipt by the NGO. For the avoidance of doubt, by submitting the Donation, the Indian Nationality Donor(s) is representing that the Donation or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sen…

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